Logement et antisémitisme : les usages administratifs d’une catégorie de l’action publique, Paris, 1940-1946

18 janvier 2018 de 11h à 13h





Shannon L. Fogg (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Professeure invité de l’EHESS – en anglais

À l’occasion de la parution de son livre Stealing Home: Looting, Restitution, and Reconstructing Jewish Lives in France, 1942-1947 (Oxford University Press, 2016)

Discutante : Sarah Gensburger (ISP, HHS-CRH)

Résumé du livre :

  • Focuses on the individual stories of Jewish Holocaust survivors in France as they tried to rebuild their lives after World War II
  • Demonstrates that Jewish survivors were not silent victims, but rather sought to rebuild their society by seeking recognition of their losses, playing active roles in politics, and turning to the government and each other for aid
  • Offers a French perspective, where most similar studies focus on Germany
  • Draws on a broad range of sources, including memoirs, oral histories, restitution claims, social workers’ reports, newspapers, and government documents


EHESS (salle AS1_24, niveau -1)
54, boulevard Raspail
75 006 Paris